Create New Revenue Streams with Aloompa Reservations

Keeping your event’s doors open year after year takes creative thinking. Actually, more than that. It takes creative doing.
We see many events continue to tighten budgets as the industry rebounds from the pandemic. We get it. Every cost needs some form of return – either a direct increase in revenue or a tangibly better attendee experience that results in more ticket sales. But why not both? Introducing: ReservationsTM.
What is Reservations?
Reservations is Aloompa’s in-app admissions feature that allows event producers like you to exclusify and monetize experiences across your event. From parking, to side-stage viewing areas, to meet-and-greets with featured guests, and beyond.

The bottom line: if a part of your event can be access-controlled, the area has a maximum capacity, and you can place someone at the entrance with a smartphone to scan passes, you can generate in revenue using Reservations.
How It Works
- Set up a Reservations experience. We made it easy to do in the Aloompa platform.
- Enter a capacity and price. (Yes, it can be free. More on that next.)
- Attendees use your Aloompa app to purchase and access passes.
- Your staff scans passes with any camera-enabled smartphone. No scanners, wristbands, or third parties of any kind necessary.
How does Free Admission Generate Revenue?
Many of our clients use Reservations to provide free experiences, sponsored by one or more of their brand partners. Attendees get access to exclusive experiences while brands get premium exposure to your audience.
And what do you get? The best of both worlds – additional sponsorship revenue and incredible experiences for your attendees. Everyone wins!
What’s Next?
Still wondering what Reservations looks like in action? Check out a few of the creative ways Aloompa clients have used paid and free Reservations here.
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